Syntax and Examples of Phase-Field Database File (.PFDB)
The phase-field database file (.pfdb) uses the XML format, which defines the phase-field model related parameters as well as physical properties for each phase. Phase-field model related parameters include order parameter mobility, chemical gradient term, smoothness factor, driving force scaling factor, interface width, chemical random amplitude, chemical gradient factor and so on. Physical parameters of each phase include molar volume, stiffness tensor, chemical misfit strain, stress-free transformation strain, interfacial energy and so on. Nucleation related parameters can also been set through .pfdb file. The database file is designed for easy extension when user uses a customized phase-field model plug-in.
In a .pfdb file, a series alloys can be defined. Each alloy has a matrix phase with one or multiple precipitate phase. User can define new types of phases when models other than precipitation are used as plugin. A sample .pfdb file structure is shown as follows,
<Alloy name="AlNi_Precipitation">
<Phase type="Matrix" name="Fcc">
<ParameterTable type="phase_field_general" name="">
<Parameter type="Order_Parameter_Mobility" value="0.1" description=""/>
<Parameter type="Driving_Force_Scaling_Factor" value="8.0" option="enable" description="A factor to scale order parameter driving force"/>
<Parameter type="Interface_Width" value="5" description="grid number of interface"/>
<ParameterTable type="molar_volume" name="">
<Parameter name="*" value="1E-5" description="Default value 1E-5"/>
<ParameterTable type="stiffness_tensor" name=" description=" ">
<Parameter name="C11" value="2.03E12" description=" "/>
<Parameter name="C12" value="1.50e12" description=" "/>
<Parameter name="C44" value="1.35e12" description=" "/>
<Phase type="Precipitate" name="L12_Fcc">
<ParameterTable type="inter_phase" name="" reference="Fcc">
<Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy" value="0.025" description="J/m^2 "/>
<Parameter type="e11" value="-0.0005" description="Misfit strain"/>
</Alloy >
In this sample .pfdb file, an alloy “AlNi_Precipitation” is defined with the matrix phase “Fcc”, which has a precipitate phase “L12_Fcc”. More than one precipitate can be included. The precipitate name and physical properties can be defined for each precipitate phase. A set of physical parameters for each phase, such as molar volume, elastic modulus, stress-free transformation strain, interfacial energy, and so on, can be defined in “ParameterTable”. Phase-field related parameter defined in the “ParameterTable” with type of “phase_field_general” are listed in Table 1. The physical parameters available for the precipitation model and spinodal decomposition model are listed in Table 2 and Table 3. The nucleation model related parameters are listed in Table 4, which are consistent with the definition in Table 4 in Section PanPrecipitation tables.
Name | Description |
Order_Parameter_Mobility |
Mobility of order parameter. This parameter decides the rate of time-evolution controlled by the Eq. 11 |
Driving_Force_Scaling_Factor |
A scale-factor for the driving force for phase transformation. To disable it, set option to “disable” |
Interface_Width |
Number of grids which sample an interface between two phases. Default value is 5 grids. |
Chemical_Gradient_Factor |
For spinodal decomposition model only. It is used to calculate gradient energy term introduced by chemical inhomogeneous. |
Chemical_Random_Amplitude |
For spinodal decomposition model only. It is used to generalize initial composition profile with a sufficient degree of randomness which can initiate decomposition. |
Bpq_Substract |
For precipitation simulation, it decides if average elastic energy is subtracted from local elastic energy. When average elastic energy is subtracted, the overall volume fraction of precipitate phase should be independent of elastic energy. When it is set to 1, average elastic energy is subtracted from local elastic energy. Default value is 1. |
Enable_Precipitate_Diffusion |
For precipitation simulation, chemical mobility can be set to zero inside precipitate If matrix-diffusion is assumed to dominating the kinetics. When it is set to 1, diffusion is considered inside precipitate phases. Default value is 1. |
Mean_Field_Driving_Force_Nucleation |
For nucleation model, nucleation driving force can be calculated by either chemical composition or average chemical composition (mean-field) in matrix. The mean-field assumption is computationally faster. When it is set to 0, local chemical composition is used to calculate driving force of nucleation. Default is 0. |